Stay the night cuz we’re running out of time…🌙✨🌠

but not me, good everyone !

4 9

Holmes doodle found on my notebook.

1 5

This was supposed to be an aesthetic drawing of ya boi as on a couch, but a friend gave me a cursed ass idea of scooping this man and yeeting him out a window.
Pls accept this trash post (hehe geddit) as wip preview.

8 17

"The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when he became a specialist in crime."

19 36

commissioned by the lovely @/beeinyourbucket on t*mblr dot com <3

6 28

His expression in the show is just precious

2 8

„I have loved you for the last time
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon
And I have kissed you for the last time
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon“

11 26

My inner demons can't catch me if I don't stop running from them, ha

0 3

"But you're thinking it just a little"

0 5

"It's the same color as your eyes, my dear boy!"

1 5

POV: You're a photo journalist interviewing the duo. And this is the picture you got 0.45s before "The Toby Incident" that your co-workers wouldn't shuttup about even after you get into your retirement years.

0 4

Happy Birthday Mr. Edward Hardwicke!

1 14

с любителей стариков по лайку 🤙#granadaholmes

26 429