“After the snow has melted, western winds have brought mild weather, and when the sun shines many signs of springtime appear”

96 1122

“On the branches of a horse-chestnut tree three wood-pigeons are watching with personal interest”

49 582

“Farm workers follow where the spinner has passed and collect the potatoes in shallow baskets.
Picking up potatoes is back-aching work”

168 1443

“Violet and coltsfoot are among the first Spring flowers. Growing among the roots of the trees are violets and lesser celandine”

141 987

“After the snow has melted, western winds have brought mild weather, and when the sun shines many signs of springtime appear”

91 830

“A tawny owl is looking down from its high vantage point at the great bonfire”

105 766

“Farm-workers follow where the spinner has passed and collect the potatoes in shallow baskets. Picking up potatoes is back aching work”

96 744

“The starlings in this picture are at the halfway stage between their juvenile and adult plumage”

77 655

“About the moorlands run crystal clear streams between boulders. Small waterfalls and rapids empty into pools”

67 483

“On the sands at low tide there are many interesting things to be found. They are not often so close together as in this picture so some child must have collected these & spread them on the seaweed to be able to view all these treasures”

73 553

“From the moss-covered old alder stump young leaves are breaking, and close beside the stump there is a wild duck on her nest”

62 429

“After the snow has melted, western winds have brought mild weather, and when the sun shines many signs of springtime appear”

75 523

“A tawny owl is looking down from its high vantage point at the great bonfire”

73 538

“The starlings in this picture are at the halfway stage between their juvenile and adult plumage”

82 495

“The yellow stonecrop, a member of the sedum family, is well adapted to grow on roof tops: so bright and cheerful does it look that one of its country names is “welcome-home -husband-though-never-so-drunk”.
(‘ What to Look for in Summer’)

52 279

“After the snow has melted, western winds have brought mild weather, and when the sun shines many signs of springtime appear”

65 359

“A tawny owl is looking down from its high vantage point at the great bonfire”

101 418

Grant Watson ‘Lottie’s Window’

1 2

“After the snow has melted, western winds have brought mild weather, and when the sun shines many signs of springtime appear”

70 319

“A tawny owl is looking down from its high vantage point at the great bonfire”

93 344