Wool greatcoats were worn by both sides in the Pony-Mustang War. Equestrian Guard-issue coats were typically brown, and Mustang produced coats were a grey-blue matching their uniforms. They proved life-saving in the northern parts of the Equestrian Front.

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I’ve been amazed and delighted by the positive response to Tales of the Greatcoats Vol. 1. I’d expected only a few people would pick it up, but this collection of swashbuckling fantasy stories has become much more popular than I expected. So, thank you!

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What’s this? The first Greatcoats collection of swashbuckling fantasy short stories has just been released in ebook, paperback, hardback, and audiobook (featuring the talents of , and )? Get ‘em while they’re hot: https://t.co/JVdeDZT2es

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if this was for a different fandom I probably wouldn’t post it b/c I’m not super happy with it, but the has literally one (1) piece of fanart that I’ve found online and it pains me that there is zero content about Saint Kest-in-particular

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