Seeing your game localised into a language you don't know: exotic!

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We welcome our new partner, the indie PR agency , who will help reach a larger audience!

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We started on the tutorial for Here are some sketches of the guy who’ll be helping to learn the ropes.

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18 months ago we started working on the logo for and we’re not done yet. Making another attempt today…

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Prototyping the way cards are displayed in this one is Criminal, Instant and w/special move effects.

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We’re still busy w/interface design for Matching functionality and concept before trying it out.

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Work in progress on a misfortune stamp where you’re exposed to be a fairy (and not a proper gremlin).

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Creating a few mockups for player avatars in just made us realise how different our gremlins can be.

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We applied strict scientific method of market research and segmentation to define the audience of

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