The r/grimdank invasion of r/prequelmemes sending in its first wave.

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Every image has a grimdank meme inside it and it is the task of the poster to discover it.

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Just saw this image on /r/Grimdank and had a 'TF2, but its 40k would be super fun realization'.

Yes I know Dark Tide is -kinda- like this.

But part of TF2's beauty is having 9 RADICALLY DIFFERENT classes, and honestly that fits 40k's Imperial v Orks schemas super well.

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Grimdark-Kaffee ist vermutlich echt schrecklich.
Und auf einer Barge kriegt man nur Filterkaffee aus zehn Jahre nicht entkalkten Plastik-Kaffeemaschinen, die "Prööap" machen, während die traurige Plörre durchläuft.

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