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.*♡*。∞(〃 ω 〃)゚∞。*♡*. yume!

25 57

Gura playing Groove Coaster! This game is so fun! But I literally bought this game just right before the discount😂 it’s okay because gura is so cute ahhhhh!

18 61

GrooveCoaster Lethe(没有)

5 8

Hey! Hey! Promo me!

Hi, im Mystia and im so swag and cool. My tweets are kinda about whatever, but ig i mainly talk about:
-love live (mostly aqours)
-end roll

Follow me for inconsistent content *kickflips*

4 6


【ACグルコス6周年記念パーティー】Got temporary haven? https://t.co/xkZyPpMxHJ

10 10


【ACグルコス6周年記念パーティー】Got temporary haven? https://t.co/xkZyPpMxHJ

16 14

Des DLC Undertale, https://t.co/QLnPInUydg, Vocaloid et Touhou Project annoncés pour Groove Coaster Wai Wai Party!!!! sur Nintendo Switch https://t.co/kNNS5jWOEO

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Five new songs for PC with Touhou DLC Pack 09, plus two new avatars! Which song is your favorite addition? What Touhou song do you feel still needs to be added? https://t.co/ca1WVuGAZQ

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Pack 09 for will also include:

Sado Mami Holic / beatMARIO
Saisoku Saikou Shutter Girl / beatMARIO

Plus 2 new avatars: SANAE, UFO(3D)

Available Monday 5/27!

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Next Monday, Pack 09 for arrives! 5 songs including:

Crazy Crazy Dancers / beatMARIO+Amane(COOL&CREATE)
Joker Junko Eienno Junka / beatMARIO
Mikakunin Gensou Coaster / t+pazolite(C.H.S/ALiCE'S EMOTiON)xbeatMARIO(COOL&CREATE)

2 songs left to announce!

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is still on sale on Steam this week, as well as Touhou DLC Pack 01-05! With the release of Touhou DLC Pack 06 that brings the total number of DLC Touhou songs to 24! Which is your favorite Touhou Groove Coaster song? https://t.co/6aX31Jfo5E

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