
6 12

When I wakeeee upppp,I smoke a blunt🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶

9 25

O You Know Baggy Gonna Be There 😏 🫡

2 4

Starting The New Year Off With a Bang!!!!🫡🚀💯🚀😤😤 LFG!!

6 15

Wake And Bake with My Boy Baggy

10 24

Undervalued... These and are not anywhere near where they should be... They deserve a sweep for sure

1 1

W.T.F!!!!.......Absolute Heat Coming From The Kitchen Cooking Up a Storm!!

8 12

and Def 🐐 status. You want engagement from a project? Bet on these 2! You won’t be disappointed 💯

1 5

The deserves a sweep/mint! This team is always working and building for their community The founders and the team are amazing people and do what it takes

19 28

Sitting here doing nothing and just got gifted this from the man at Keys to my Lambo... If you guys don't already know their alpha channel and dEgEN 101 channel is there to help anyone that is new or a veteran to the space! Amazing community

9 13