🪴Gruvia Week🌊Day 7: “Bliss”

that's the perfect week ended☺️💞

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Time was so short but i had to draw something for another Gruvia Week 💙 Maybe I'll color this again in the future.

If you like it pls 🔁 and ❤️, this helps a lot :)

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My drawing for the last day of gruvia week 💞 bliss

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and the saga continues... Please help Gray (actually likes it when she clings👀) Cana really did this on purpose😅

Day 6: Agony
Hope you guys like it 💙💙💙

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You guys already know who gave Juvia the alcohol 👀 Yeah, Cana did...😅 guess we have to wish Gray "goodluck"
Day 5: Daunting
Hope you guys like it 💙💙💙

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I noticed that "tears" makes people feel emotional. So, I chose the opposite and turned it to a jolly moment 😅
Day 4: Tears
Hope you guys like it 💙💙💙

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Sorry to keep you guys waiting 😅 I was inspired to do "discovery" when they first met each other 😳🥺.
Day 3: Discovery
Hope you guys like it 💙💙💙

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Yes! I got to join for day 2! and hopefully for day 3 too👁️💧👄💧👁️
Anyways,here's my art for Day 2: Warmth
Hope you guys like it 💙💙💙

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I wanna payback my debt for posting 1-2 drawings a month, especially for my followers so... here's my art for Day 1: Beguile
Hope you guys like it 💙💙💙

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