Andrea-Body Type I had so much fun drawing this, forgot how much I loved Andrea 😍. I enjoyed thinking of poses for her. I was surprised how much fun it was structuring her body.

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Goofy-Emotion Practice 🤪 Thats the last of the emotions I wanna try out for this round. I'll try more next round but for now I'll be practicing something else.

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Serious-Emotion Practice 😐 Almost done, one more left then I'll move unto another practice.

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Blushing-Emotion Practice 😃 I'm almost done practicing emotions, i'll be moving on to either Body Types or Poses. 😊

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Crying-Emotion Practice 😊 Im thinking of the next emotion I wanna practice next week. 🤔🤔

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Angry-Emotion Practice 😡 Since I retried the crying one, might as well retry this one. So im thinking of a next emotion ill draw. Im fine with how this one turned out.

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These are the finished designs so far for my project "Guardians of Olympus" and Im happy all of them turned out great. The next batch of characters are coming soon. ❤✏

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This is a poster I did for a project I'm working on, more news on it soon! 😊

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