Here I am once again.. GU is just something so special. I feel like I need to follow fellow GU members! I'll follow back all the GU's liking this until twitter rate limits me 😂

76 250

A dream in my sleep
One night in my dream
In the night I..
I'm going somewhere
You are in my mind.
<3 My Strong

15 53

Hey Undeads !💀Can Anyone Stop Their Jobs And Look At Me? Because I Want to Introduce Someone to You, Here's My Powerful New Four-Eyed Undead, Let's Say Hello to Him (2x)

29 96

Sorry I'm a little late, but don't worry. The Great "0xLemuriansLegions" are here. And I am with you until the end of hell.

151 246

Just bought this beauty, thanks for the warm welcome GU Family
Follow to Follow 🫡

50 141

I've been watching your community for a while, waiting for an opportunity. The time had already come.👽👽

207 211

Just bought this badass 🥳 Show yourself Genuine Undead family!
Follow to Follow 🫡

59 189

I joined the Genuine Undead family.⚡️ LFG !! 💪💪 Where is my Genuine Undead family?
Follow to Follow 👍

47 167

GM , finally join GU fam.
My fren told me to grab a ROY , blue is awsome!

51 137

Finally joined the strong community of
When I saw this ROY appeared, I bought it without hesitation


it's real ?

47 152

My first was this beanie bro! I still got him ... he just has lots of family fighting for my attention now!

1 3