adopted this gulimon! his name is scooter or scoot for sure x3 i adopted him from lightalbane from FA

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Gulimon dont you know that bread dough has yeast and it expands? I mean you probably did learn your lesson even though its gonan be hard to squeeze you out of the bakery

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would you all believe me if i said kaiju dexter is inspired from gulimon?

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This cute chubby Gulimon from Matchmakers inc.
And replace the triangles from her body with hearts.
(and yes i got permision from the guy who requested this character for The game, we both come up with the name)

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This chubby gulimon, holding a human hand
from matchmakers .inc game
shes been requested by and he gave me perm to get art of her, me and chris we call her Rose

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This gulimon chubby girl from Matchmakers .inc game
i got full permision to get art of her from the guy who requested her in the game, he is also a moderator in this game's server, and we both gave her a headcanon name, Rose.

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Repost : original Digimon and digi evolution line .
Gulimon > Dreimon > Metaldreimon > Poseidramon

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This cute chubby gulimon from matchmakers inc.
Pov, you hold her hands, she smiles at you
Me and the guy who requested her for the game we came up for a headcanon name, rose and he lets me get art of her whatever i want.

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i got a request
from @/bnbigus game, Matchmakers Inc. episode 4 witch was requested by @/warbeast6969 , witch gave me permision to uese her for this request
the cute Gulimon chubby girl
holding a hand with green cloth/jacket
the last image is a edit i made, with the permission

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deciding Shoutmon or Gulimon

but if we choosing for a fresh start..Toucanmon or Burgermon

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im very upset that most people just draw normal gulimon but not the X version, its pretty cool looking ngl

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"Come Play With Me Veemon" 2012

Veemon just got his ice cream but Gulimon came up to him and ask if he can play with him. Veemon was a bit unsure about a fat digimon playing with a buff digimon but Gulimon was so playful it was hard say no to him so Veemon agreed to play.

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