Chonkers fight!
Recreation of epic fight scene in Gundam Hathaway
The (wrong color) Gustav Karl vs Messer F01

8 101

Gigi and Hathaway by , wow!! too hot to handle❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 It reminds me of old italian poliziesco movies' posters

1 8

Comunque Pablo Uchida è un artista incredibile

3 35

The underlying intricacies of

18 74

Not gonna lie
Even my useless lesbian ass think he is handsome

2 8

ลุงก็ตัวแค่นี้ 😂

3 16

finally watched gundam hathaway on netflix, hope they adapt the other books and so far it is pretty good

one thing, anime is not exactly stand alone, or at least you need prior knowledge of the previous Universal Century mainline anime

1 4

Finished the fairy (P) pilots first look. gave it a Mafty color scheme.

1 1


12 55

Ow Messer-f01 TYPE-UwU Ms from mobile suit gundam hathaway flashh

1 24