something I personally enjoy when I drew Gure's parents is how he first looked similar to his dad but gets more and more like his mum later on

27 576

Gure will smear his himbo snot all over Gill

44 522

Gure the himbo maid made ppl happy and me too!!! 😳💖

128 1078

BERRIAK, BERRIAK!! (Aldizkarietan bezala... 🤣🤣)
Hiru irudi daude, eta bukaeran azalpena.
Manga berriak apirilan aterako dira eta gure weborrian pre-salketa edo pre-venta egingo dugu zuen etxera komikia iristeko argitarazterakoan.

19 32

I haven’t drawn in 3 days so Gure warmup ❤️‍🔥

13 121

Gure protagonista, Louise Michel, emakumeekiko emantzipazioarekiko ekimenak burutu zituen
bitartean, komunaren defendatzarako borrokan aktiboki parte hartuzuen. Guztiok dakigunez Pariseko komuna erori zen. Honaino anarkofeminismoaren hastapena. Bilakaera agian hurrengo egunetan..

3 2

Gure literally has a drawing of us like this ahsjsk

i don't mind at all i own 6 chihuahuas i will protect with my life T3T (at least the last 1 with his yorkie brother T T)

0 9

Animatu zaitezte! Gure kontuak jaso duen ongietorriaren berbera jasotzen baldin badu zozketa honek, ez da soilik hau ekarriko dugun nobedadea!

8 10

Here's a for you... "How to be a Good Quitter" 🙅 a fun take on how to figure out if it is time to move on.
Illustrated by Zara Picken for

1 7

2017 gure ART 👁️👁️

5 63

New fanart of Laurin and Rose as Mario Princesses this time.
It's something i had in mind and it's the first drawing involving OCs because i will do 2 others drawings like this, one with Gure & Kally and the third one, it's a secret but i can't wait to do this. 😉

6 20

This is Gill Aerion, mainprotag of my series Angel Blood! He's a grump grump but he has his heart in the right place 💖🔥 (and Gure's bf <-best friend)

198 1633

[サークル:ひぐれ /東5 ヒ41b ]

13 61

A fanart for ! I really love his art style and his boy Gure u.u <3 <3 <3
I hope you like it!

13 87

Hi, I'm gure. I just draw whatever I enjoy.

4 20