Gnoblars may be dispensable 👀 but nonetheless it would be nice if your Ogre team arrived at the tabletop complete and ready to play. 🏈
Now here's the Feldherr foam tray for your Team 👉

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Using all kinds of paint, 2 basecoats with black and brown washes. Repositioned head, arm, and added a cloak also trying seamless brown to red transitions

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‘Gutbusters’. Dudes that set about dismantling captured towns inside London’s gut

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Just to make a clean cut for the new year, here are the remaining and friends I painted for my Ogor army in November

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I found something very rare on Ebay yesterday and my wife bought it for me as a Christmas present. A NIB, original WARHAMMER GIANT! This will be the centerpiece of my OOP army. Checkout that second pic for scale comparison. It's huge!

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Our latest episode is now live!
Chin Dave sits down to talk with about his recent Gutbusters victory at the event in Northern Ireland’s Tabletop Tavern!

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