
175 1326

기루다님의 그림으로 니그림내그림 합작 참여했습니다!
기루다님 그림 특유의 섬세한 감성을 그림에 어떻게 녹여낼 수 있을지 시행착오도 하며 즐거운 작업이었습니다😊


705 2437

Sibling Rivalry, Calibarn vs Aerial. Finally finished up! What an experience, I thoroughly enjoyed this series!

165 650

making Gwitch merch! dunno when to stop tho, as it's my first time making keycharms, i don't want to end up with too much stock ;-;

1 17

Sibling Rivalry, Calibarn vs Aerial. A WIP and proof of concept for my newest fanart print I am making. Paying homage to the awesome Gundam Tristan vs Atlas piece, enjoy!

436 1977

The Tanuki Solidarity

Commissioned by

(Disclaimer: I do not own the image in the background. It's supposed to be royalty-free art)

80 204



4 40