I made this shit for an oc thing with friends and I like the result🤙

The girl next to Blaze is Noir and the girl with Shadow on the bike is Kazar✨️

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Today I wake up Shadaze without any reason

I mean, one of the few things I totally rescue from the Archie is the interpretation of Shadow, and among those things I love about that Shadow, is his dynamic with Blaze, I ship them here and would have been great to see more of them😭

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WOAHH HAVENT DONE HADAZE ART IN A BIT!! since he posted on instagram i found it necessary to do a redraw :D

rts appreciated!!

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Blaze but I stole hairstyle from ahri :')

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It's based on other artist art, it will be above

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woah, pearsrmyfriends making hadaze art??? thats so rare and totally has never happened before!! anyway enjoy this is one of my favorites :D

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kinda love drawing them with no notion of personnal space with each other, only the job on their mind

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At this point im just shipping every character with blaze.
So... Bladow??? Shadaze????

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"would you believe me if I told you I don't know how I got there?" (#shadaze) (...maybe it'll be a small comic finally)

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Woke up Today having a need to make a fan child. This is ASH if somone steals my green fire wielding cat I’ll chew on your knees.

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Again, blaze! This time I drew in new sketchbook (I still haven't finished my old one, I just tested paper) and I did a bit different lineart. I'm still experimenting, but I'm kinda proud that I did progress in this element of art lol

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It's chaos fanchild but my samefacesyndrom makes him looks like my old abandoned oc Eryk and I canttt 🥺🥺🥺

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fanmade child
I was thinking about Peace as name for her but I don't know, I want something classy for her and her twin brotherrr

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