(Changed info about new stickers)

These two stickers..
Mega Man (Die-cut)
Kirby (Holographic)

are now 6x6 in. and $5 each!

DM me if you’re interested in getting some! (Retweets are appreciated)

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Where are those Waddle Dees heading? Kirby is certainly very curious! Off he goes!
Really happy with how this turned out! ^^ 💖💖💖

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Me he vuelto fanática de la saga de Kirby y si o si tenia que "humanizar" a uno de mis personajes favoritos,en verdad adoro a 02 uwu

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I have a lot of stuff in my library- lmao my brother is the biggest Kirby fan I know so If I ever want him to shut up I just show him a bunch of Kirby art- I wouldn’t blame him either this is some amazingly cute stuff with a great art style- GG

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Hurricane Season is almost over, so ive decided to reimagine Kracko. I feel from all the bosses this one needs some love!

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You can collect & summon Guardians in Alcahest, a JPN exclusive for the SNES!

Guardians each represent one of the elements & have two different attacks. Magna the Android & Nevis the dragon shapeshifting goddesss will also join your party.

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New Kirby fan art! 😀 This another popular Nintendo franchise, that I’m sometimes into, along with Pokémon, alongside my mains, Super Mario and Super Smash Bros. franchises.

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Bathilda Vs. Flamberge (part of an art jam by SecondarySamuel: https://t.co/FHZSuobQSs).

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they hatched they f ucking hatched

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Mr. Saturn says: "Breaks so important. Drink coffee before go?"

Mr. Saturn and belong to Itoi

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Just felt like drawing Adeleine in that cute witch costume that was in the Halloween pic the Kirby Twitter made last year; hope y'all like it!

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