Me: Guys! let's take a selfie make sure smile okay?
Iofi: Yeah! sure why not!?
Ioforia: Okay!!
Me: 1..2..3!
: .................

3 15

Ioforia x Iofi Virtual Novel concept
what do you think he saying to Iofi?

"Rani, stay still... ah i see, those aren't paint , those are birthmark!"

0 2

Inilah haluforia yang paling halu sampe ngirim utusan buat melamar yopi...

Diperankan oleh

4 20

why don't you wear a scarf in winter iofi

0 3


Base template by Iofi-chan, long time ago:

6 23

(DAY 6)

Do you know, iofi love Len-kun, Sanji from One Piece, and Mikey from Tokyo Ravengers
Do you know what they have in common?
Yes, Yellow Blond Hair
I wonder who else have Yellow here👀

4 30

I don't know how to describe them...

Reference: Asobi Asobase Episode 10

45 591

akhirnya nyambung juga talinya

0 16


I want to draw myself, but I think this is more BETTER.

0 3

Congratulations for 300k subscribers, Iofi!🎉🎉
I feel so close with Hololive ID family because it is just beside my country. Whenever she speak Indonesia gives me a feeling of home, so thank you for cheering us!
Greetings from Malaysia!✨✨

25 311

This is probably as close as you'll ever get to seeing lewds of me. Thanks for the template Iofi!

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*other version*

"I know you're with the moon and all.. But can an ex-angel fit your needs?"

0 0

"I think I fell because of you.. Well, I'm a fallen angel after all.."

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