Been Watching a lot of Hamilton! had to drop some art for one of my favorite songs!

thank you for creating such a wonder show 😊🙌🏾

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Tfw you give your book a super-duper culturally-in-vogue title that’s sure to get the young’uns and libs to read it


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Happy Treason Day, my fellow ungrateful colonials!

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“I remember that night.... I just might regret that night for the rest of my days....” This song won me over when I first heard it! 😭❤️#hamifilm

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Finally, today i watched Hamilton like i was there and that was AMAZING!
Thanks Disney+ for make me happy this quarentine 😍♥️.

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🎶"who lives, who dies, who tells your story"🎶
Hamilton is here and streaming on Disney + and HOLY CRAP IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so excited that I made a poster for the best character in the entire musical!!!!!!!

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I was asked to make this, and I did. 's John Laurens. I'm really excited for .Anyways take this thing.

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