Everyone on Vlive now like (ᗒᗨᗕ) piu piu piu piu piuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️
But don't for get to stream DIY ~ i'll have a small fanart to celebrate 1M DIY or the special thanks 😆

30 137

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Sorteo: 29-OCT.

85 204

A really quick drawing of Kim Hanbin for his birthday. 🥺💖✨


0 3

Sengaja banget emang ngepost di detik2 terakhir 😂 wkwkwk bodo amat di korea udah tanggal 23 dari dua jam yang lalu 😌 salahin aja oknum Kim Hanbin ngapa baru muncul sekarang 😪

1 4

For 500 days we've sent signals to the far far away lost unknown planet in search of one person.
똑똑 누구 없소?

the signal returned back.

Quest "Find Little Prince" is: closed.
Status: Success

104 212