[The Winner Has Been Decided!] Gacha 4★ Tenma Tsukasa [Limited]
Type: Happy

Max Stats:
Performance - 11499
Technique - 9593
Stamina - 10955

Max Skill: A Star-Shaped Handicraft? - Recover 500 life; 100% score boost for 5 seconds

154 1247

Happy Birthday to Hinako Kita, the fantasy-filled princess of the production!

Fun fact: Hinako is a part of the handicraft club at her school.

May your day be magical Hinako! 👑🌼

28 106

Born in Iowa he studied at the The Handicraft Guild in Minneapolis (1910). He returned to Iowa to teach in 1911 & in 1913 he enrolled at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago . The Landscape of Autumn (1919), The Shaking Poplar (1917), Paris Street (1920) & Conduit (1920)

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