I hope when people read the whole thing, they can see the "D&D moments" and "Scoob moments" blend together. There are scenes where I'm trying to invoke one but wind up dipping into the other just by happenstance and trying to resolve a scene.

0 8

Under the Moon’s crust, the pioneers discovered tiny glass vials of water delivered by random meteorites in cosmic quirks of happenstance. They mined the precious vials, hence our glass waste midden. Now we create water chemically but it’s still more precious than time.

2 23

18) The ponytail is a very fun happenstance. Since my body is basically indestructible cutting my hair is a huge task, so I just tie it back usually

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recently happenstanced upon & 's story on ao3 called 'Hunter's Mark'-- and it is so /fantastic/. Had to pay tribute to one of my favorite scenes, can't wait to read more! ✨💖💖

12 50

Also very important to me, Eva's familiar o(-( in some au's her uncle 🥴he was such a sleeper to me, I designed him more out of happenstance and he became very important since Eva and her ship became very important, but just recently I hced smth with him and it made me cry so bad

0 1

once is happenstance. twice is a coincidence. three times is enemy action. four times is just crazy bro. https://t.co/d8ehyAjGxW

7 30


[1/2] Open thread for the last page

565 8822

Nase Maser is caught up in a super powered gang war. But instead of finding himself in the middle of it, he's the one who started it. Not on accident, not by happenstance, but with purposeful intention. This is the story of a Hero and a Villain.

Plz read!

2 5

Amazed at how much of my inner world, my own private cartoon universe, was formed by the happenstance appearance of certain books, movies, and songs in my youth over which I had no control. I did not choose to find and be mesmerized by the cover of Savage Sword 104 but here I am.

0 16

My 4th encounter was a Hawlucha in Pokémon X. I was looking for Houndour before Geosenge Town and found it by pure happenstance. This time I made sure to not let it go, and caught it, making it the 2nd shiny I ever caught.

1 5

Met an amazing artist by happenstance at a gaming store and they drew Cinna for me out of the blue!! Best surprise ever this weekend! Go check them out!! https://t.co/VGPN5vSZC0

1 5

Roma, religious rebel VS Penn, happenstance hero!

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[chapter 1.05]


Which crow are you? Tag yourself/hj

50 1197

[chapter 1.05]

Finally getting closer to the doomsday trio part of the AU :D

[1/2] Open thread for the fifth page!!!

197 2303

Happenstance for craboobs on Art Fight 👁️
My final attack for 2022! I had a blast this year

4 10

The wonderful did an art give away and by some happenstance I won. I decided on Wittiza Lightbringer and gave Molly license to do her own thing and she knocked it out of the park. My original done in HeroMachine and her version. Love it!

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