Walrus family. Futures are uncertain for all marine life here in the Russian Arctic. Rangers doing great work. More research and conservation vital.

🌐 81o08’N

8 21

Midnight in Franz Josef Land.
Sea sky ice light shadow hope happiness. All together.

🌐 80o37’N

0 12

Ready for heli ops off Ziegler Island. Incredible conditions in Franz Josef Land. So much more exploring to do here next season.

🌐 80o55’N 🚁

1 15

A special kind of heaven. Not all days in the Arctic are like this, but you make the most of them when they come. Cape Tegethoff. The world’s most northerly archipelago.

🌐 🚁 80o06’N 👍🏻❄️

7 55

Making our way northward into the pack ice. 84o22’N. Conditons improving. Polar bear watch continues.

0 13

I’m often asked why on earth I would want to go and spend most of my summer in the middle of nowhere!?#Arctic Well, this fellow is one of the many reasons... 🐾🌐💚

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