We wrote a quick review on Injustice Year Zero Warning Spoilers! A lot of them! If you haven't read the comic, you've been warned!


32 111

Then bring back Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy

18 137

passando energia na sua TL q no ep de hoje a DC vai trazer mais harlivy. pois n aguento mais o kite man

13 91

The Sirens. Would have been dope if they had just made this movie, dressed the actresses in costumes rather than street clothes and made a billion dollars.

1 2

I won't read any more comics now that I found out how homophobic the company is for erasing Harley and Ivy's relationship on Valentine's day. The only HEALTHY LGBTQ+ relationship and you freaking ended it. I was looking forward to the couple's story.

13 39

Dear , Harley and Ivy are one of the RARE representations of not only LGBTQ relationships, but also importantly, they represented a HEALTHY relationship. Please do us all a solid and stop trying to poison that. At least give us this one thing.

22 65