bandori rarepair otd is akoko! this ship consists of kokoro from harohapi and ako from roselia! They love listening to kawaii-metal and alternative pop music!!!! ako and kokoro like to go to concerts dressed up as if theyre the artists performing! complementary color palette gfs

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first bandori rarepair otd is kaoaya! this ship consists of kaoru + harohapi and aya + pasupare! aya and kaoru go shopping sometimes with eo, they listen to different kind off music when they study together and kaoru gives aya a peck on the cheek and makes personal poems for her!

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bandori rarepair otd is misanene! this ship consists of misaki from harohapi and nene from wxs (pjsk)! they both understand eo being the calmest in their groups! they play games together, nene shows misaki her fav rpgs and Misaki shows her how to sew by hand!

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congratulations to emurui for joining harohapi after kaokanon graduation

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bandori rarepair otd is kayomoe! this ship consists of kaoru from harohapi, sayo from roselia and tomoe from afterglow!! kaoru loves singing for sayo and tomoe, sayo sighs alot but kaoru kisses her cheek and makes her blush, tomoe laughs whenever she does and teases sayo for it!

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bandori rarepair otd is kaonene! this ship consists of kaoru from harohapi and nene from wxs (pjsk)! childhoodfriends to lovers! kaoru is rui's older sister so nene always bugs rui to come over to meet kaoru! they go on dates and have sleepovers and draw on ruis face!

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daily bandori rarepair otd is hinakoko! this ship consists of hina from pasupare and kokoro from harohapi! autistic gfs! they love cleaning each other's room and making perfume with each other!! kokoro and hina also goes on stargazing dates with each other!! the cutest

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bandori ''rarepair'' otd is kaohagu! this ship consist of kaoru and hagumi from harohapi! they love being in nature together and having picnic dates, hagumi loves being called kitten and getting kisses by kaoru!! Hagumi also makes kaoru flustered all the time for just being her!!

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bandori rarepair otd is misarin!! this ship consists of rinko from roselia and misaki from harohapi! Misaki often is busy with michelle work and when she is rinko comes and sit on a bench to watch misaki do funny stuff and after shes done they go on cute dates and eat yummy food!

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Harohapi week day 6 — sports & craft

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Harohapi week day 4 — affection

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really old (and weird) hello happy world drawing ( ;;TᴗT)

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specifically these cards from that harohapi set

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harohapi thief (untrained)

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bandori rarepair otd is misari! this ship consists of misaki from harohapi and arisa from popipa!! they both are similar but also not, and their casual friendly convos are the best bc it doesnt feel awkward! they also have food dates with each others groups!!

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hello!!! Im Rain/Rainsu! I love playing BanG Dream/bandori a lot!!! and my favorite character is Kokoro from harohapi! my interest is uh vtuber i guess? I love vtubers! especially Amane Kanata from Hololive Gen 4!

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fourth bandori rarepair otd is kaorimi! (kaoru & rimi)!! this ship consists of kaoru from harohapi and rimi from popipa!! rimi always goes to kaoru’s concerts and plays!! kaoru always finds a way to make rimi get flustered!!

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