The mistletoe wingman flies across Xadia spreading smoochy vibes ✨

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Characters from ‘s Famarand campaign

Dharrai, Ianos, Tess, Nashira (Left to Right)

4 9

bhím ag smaointiú ar rudaí a tharraingt mé nuair a bhí mé ar meánscoil

1 5

It is very hot in today, temperature expected to be around 46°c.
From , c1790 painting from by
'An Attendant Tilts the Umbrella to Block the Sun-rays from Falling on the 7th Guru

11 73

Satharn 14 MF sa Charraig Dhubh: Ceardlann ar lúibíní & agallaimh bheirte sa rang. Smaointe úra chun scileanna cumarsáide na scoláirí (go háirithe an labhairt, idirghníomhú cainte agus cur i láthair) a fhorbairt ar shlí chruthaitheach. Le Ray Mac Mánais & Oireachtas na Gaeilge.

9 16

ji, what happened? After 2 days of heavy rains in & bright sunshine today.
painting from Hill States by c1790, "An attendant tilts the umbrella to block the sun rays falling on the 7th Guru ji"

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Cuando llegas de la playa achicharraito al sofá sin haberte echao cremita:

3 5