

※素敵なテンプレートはharumi( )様よりお借りしました。

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❄️KPC❄️ 水瀬 沙月/こさば🐟
☃️PC☃️ 栗原 心絆/ぽん太💪


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❄️KPC❄️ 水瀬沙月/こさば🐟
☃️PC☃️ 出雲 社/梟🦉

第二回目の冬逃げは社くんです あったかお帽子かわいいね……☺️(いつのまにか沙月にもカメレオンヘアピンを付けられていてほっこりした顔)

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❄️KPC❄️ 水瀬 沙月/こさば🐟
☃️PC☃️ 無花果 李/おいどん🐕


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Harumi Nishikino// Love Live - Maki's mother
Mrs. Nishikino, would you like to pamper me? ❤️‍🔥🍅🔥

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I forgot about this harumiyu draw i did because i was so sleepy when drawing it

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"Don't let their looks fool you. Despite their stoic face, Harumi's a nice person. A tad whimsical, yes, but nice all the same. At the very least, they're now comfortable living as they are, and we couldn't be happier for them." - Galang


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creating my own OC for my YT channel,
his Name is Harumichi
Haru - 春 means spring, but also represents youth
Michi - 道 means path or the way

Harumichi is someone who will represent me living the youth that I want.
which I couldn't do back then

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guess i'll throw in akiko for red and harumi for blue since kate said she'd draw the other one of this trio
harumi has water powers (not shown here)

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pra fazer rp sempre é mais dificul os não ocs
n achei nenhum desenho pq é antigasso mas a Isadora era mt dificil de desenhar com as partes do corpo flutuando-
hoje em dia eu diria q a Harumi é a mais difícil de desenhar pq ela tem muitos muitos detalhes e sempre ta mudando https://t.co/bHNXoPXARQ

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1- esses queridos são os antagonistas da historia q tou escrevendo, n chegam a ser vilões

2- Zavia é uma "vilã em formação"

3- Harumi (oc de bnha) é uma vilã bem imatura com o objetivo cliche de dominar o mundo

4- Nair (arte antiga) é a pior pessoa q já criei https://t.co/zSX7hF7Bcs

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eu diria q ta entre a Harumi (2 peimeiras imagens) e a Zavia (cabelo azul)

a Haru é super variavel mas eu amo d+ as coisas tecnologicas q ela sempre usa
a Zavia tem mtos detalhes e cada detalhe desses tem mta história q eu sou apaixonado em adicionar

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Here are some of my Girl Collections!
1.) Fighting/ Martial Arts theme
Sora Hatsumi & Song Ha Eun
2.) Splice of Life - Harumi Yoshihara, Shirley Thornefield & Alexis Campbelle
3.) Gijinka Pokemon
4.) Princess Aisling and Gwenelyn

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