Bat Belfrey is a recurring character in Spooky comic.
Spooky - Bat Pulls a Fast One - 5 pages - Spooky Spooktown 11 - Dec 1964 - Reprinted from - Spooky 26 - Dec 1958
Re-Colored by me.

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👻 Casper and Spooky

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは👻 と従弟の で~す💦😱

今回の背景は📱LINEのAI自動育成 で作成しました❗✍🤖

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⚫🔴 Little Dot

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは、アメコミ📚ハーベイコミックスから⚫🔴ドットパターンが大好きな👧🏻女の子 ちゃんで〜す💕🤗

彼女は💵世界一の大金持ち くんと同級生なのよ。🤔

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Brasinha, O capetinha
Comemorando o post de número 666 no Instagram / Hot Stuff the Little Devil. (Apesar do nome, ele costuma deixar os irmãos dele enfurecidos por fazer bons atos e ajudar os outros)

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👻 Re: Casper


今回は👻おばけの で〜す💕🤗

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[NEW] Two Harvey favorites, Casper and Wendy... In my own style that I imagine them between original and Spectrals (2009).

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👻 キャスパー

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは👻オバケの で~す❣

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