Are you serious? Green hair yellows. I was born with darker green hair that just lightened and yellowed and NOW I know why this is the start and finish.

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A bit late but happy 10th anniversary Hatoful Boyfriend!! 10 years of bird loving.... 10 years of tears... Thank you Moa for making this great game!!

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I want to draw more Hatoful art in the future, (mostly for our edited streams of it that i'm working on!), but for now all i have to offer is my favourite boy Anghel <3

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10 years ago a silly little flash game came out...! happy birthday to hatoful boyfriend! i redrew an old piece of my fave takoyaki seller i did many years ago to celebrate.

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Happy 10th anniversary to my favorite videogame ever!!!

This game means so so much to me... All the characters and story are amazing! I hope that we get some news today or this year 🙏🙏

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이와미네 슈우와 히요코로 합작 참여했습니다! 하토풀 10주년 축하~!! (CP는 아니에용)

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하토풀 보이프렌드 10주년을 축하합니다!
니시키코지 토리+민들레+다람쥐 히요코로 합작 참여했습니다~
미러.. 기대하고 있습니다.. 사실 이 트윗은 28일에 쓰는 중으로.. 정말 뭔가 나온다면.. 좋겠네..

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하토풀 보이프렌드 10주년 기념 합작 사쿠야로 참여했습니다~~~ 비둘기는 인생이다..

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