Shri Lakshmi Hayagriva

ज्ञानानन्दमयं देवं निर्मल स्फटिकाकृतिम्
आधारं सर्व विद्द्यानां हयग्रीवं उपास्महे

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Horses are beautifully sensitive & prolific beings, the amalgamation of nature & humans in wisdom stories infuses a deeper respect for Earth & stirs profound curiosity to learn it’s wisdom. Here, restoring the knowledge, Hayagriva. ❄️

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Today, Bhagavaan Vishnu appeared in the form of Hayagriva and restored the Vedas stolen by Madhu and Kaitabha. As the Vedas were restored on this day, Upakarma is performed on this day to mark a new beginning. Hence the day of Upakarma is also celebrated as Hayagriva Jayanti.

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DDS/QDS set 4- Ravana Varin Omega, Rahu Mick the Slug, Camazotz Bat and Hayagriva Harley Q

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Can anyone explain the difference between Sri Vishnu's avatars of Hayagriva & Varaha??

Asking this bcoz I've seen lots of people getting confused between these two avatars.

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