Here is Aidan a Her personality is like her names(mall but fiery)and is the aequivalent of a short badass lesbian. She died in 2031 due to her getting pissed at her shity homophobic parents and burning the house down, Also she's Ayah's girlfriend lol.

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I really only have one OC, but my would definitely have to be my It definitely represents me better than my actual self, and I've had tons of fun with him and the community as well!

0 1

Profile picture for of his

Got dat spider bite 🕷💚😈

3 4

wip of Monarch, an OC of mine I am turning into a She's a Butterfly Moth Demon. Oh she also has a scorpion tail but i totally forgot to draw it. Hopefully I remember when I finish her tomorrow.

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First Angel oc, she's a hard ass that kicks ass. She delivers punishments that God she's fit, not petty punishments for the individual human. But wars and plagues. Remiel is her name.

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Another Bb!! I'm looking for a Portuguese name. She sold her soul for riches and wealth and now serves as enslaved soul. Not sure who she sold her soul to yet.

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I make em fast and I involve you in ever step and detail! So please feel free to DM me if you are interested!

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New Bb Áine, she has been friends with Florence sence they were tots. Áine has very strong conviction and is well spoken. More cautious and negative than her counterpart.

1 3

Anonther drawing of my main Welp I changed some of her design because why not?? XD anyways hope y’all like her as much as I do (1st photo is the new design 2nd photo is the old design)

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Yet another request to draw someone's Her name is Roadkill and I imagine her being a big fan, and so i decided to draw her reaction upon meeting him.

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One. One more sketched That's Siren "Cheshire". She is daughter of Robin, idol and... kitty.

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