Happy 6th Birthday to FFXV!

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aaay it's FFXV 6th anniversary, have some chocobros !!

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About a month ago, I finished Final Fantasy XV for the first time. It was my first FF, and the first big game I ever owned.
I had no idea today was FFXV birthday!! (thanks twt for the heads up) The only gift I can give is this WIP I may or may not finish

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FFXV came out during a dark time in my family's life, and playing it was a great comfort to me in a time when I needed comfort. It got me creating art when I needed the outlet. And I've met so many awesome people in the fandom; you guys are awesome! I'm so grateful!

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some new and old art over the years of loving this game

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Sorry, the actual anniversary art isn't gonna be done for two more weeks because I was busy with the comic, but here's a small collection of some illustrations I've done in recent years~
Six years and I still love this game and especially Noctis ✨💖

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It's been a long time since I last drew these guys. Happy 6 anniversary FFXV! You will always hold a special place in my heart 💜

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For all those who remain. Thank you so much.

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