Meet Maggy, one of the two MCs of The Healer of the Cursed Woods! She's soft, compassionate, and looks like she has it all under control (she doesn't). And while the main ship of is m/f, Maggy is still very bi. ❤️💙💜

Art by @/sunlightsaints

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Meet Astrid! A cinammon roll who could definitely kill you. She doesn't get a big role in but it is an important one!

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I probably don't talk about it as much as I should because the main relationship in is m/f and I don't want to mislead anyone but Maggy is bisexual! She lives in a queernorm world and has had past relationships with multiple genders. ❤️💜💙
Art by @/sunlightsaints

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Reminder that has:

A sentient forest
Estranged friends to lovers
Fae bargains
Magic with a price
PTSD, anxiety, and chronic pain rep
One forbidden thing
Villains who range from sexy to dreadful to all-too-human

Art by @/sunlightsaints

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Estranged friends to lovers
Forced proximity
He falls first
Oops this was supposed to be casual and now it's not
Hurt-comfort/wound tending
Angsty confessions
Only one bed
Mutual sacrifice
Trying to die for each other

Art by @/sunlightsaints

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| Favorite Side Character

Astrid entered and took the story by storm! She's a total cinnamon roll who loves her wife's family like her own. If she decides you're friends, you're friends whether you wanted to be or not. Her enthusiasm infects everyone!

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I'll be continuing revisions on and hopefully querying in 2022! If all goes well, I'll also start drafting Healer2, the conclusion to my duology. 🖤
Art by @/sunlightsaints

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It's hard to pick between my two MCs in since they're both fun to write, but right now I'm enjoying Costi's voice as I revise some of his chapters. He's a realist who can also make some fantastically bad decisions for good reasons lol.
Art by @/sunlightsaints

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