If eat well,
it helps us learn and play.

Choosing healthy food is fun
Why not start today?

What keeps ducks healthy?

The watermelon🍉
The eggplant🍆
The cucumber🥒

So, don't you already feel stronger?

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Happy quackin everyone ⁉️ Quack quack ⁉️ Spooky spooky 🎃🦆💜

What is cooking at his pond ⁉️ 👀
We were already Ugly & now we are so Ugly that it became Scary🤷

17 21

Get the cucumber, cut it inna slice
Put it inna jug of water overnight
You know what you get for a fraction of the price?
Energy drink full of electrolytes ⁉️

Only 11 on sale 🥒🦆

Be healthy ⁉️ Be ugly ⁉️ Be ⁉️

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Good quacking healthy Monday my quackers ⁉️

Let's start this week with some exercise and some ducks ⁉️ exercising to duck over🚨⁉️

Be healthy ⁉️ Be ugly ⁉️ Be ⁉️

5 12

Get Ugly ⁉️ Get Healthy ⁉️
Get a

Health > Beauty 🥒🍆🍉

Ugly is the new Pretty ⁉️ & are the ugliest ⁉️🦆⁉️

12 13

WTF is this ⁉️

Another trait group⁉️ 🍆🥒🍉

Quacking exact ⁉️ Since the got blocked from twitter for a small mistake, another group was created ⁉️

It's healthy, it's green, it's natural, it's ⁉️ We are the 🍉🥒🍆

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