Incredible full section of a with severe stenosis of three main valves due to rheumatic heart disease

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is not only for & February is National month. Being a heart patient myself, I have to be proactive as much as possible. Here are some tips... ❤❤❤ Happy Heart month y'all!

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In my newest, I report on a woefully underappreciated disease risk in women: pregnancy complications.

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The heart starts beating while a human is still a fetus in the womb, and continues beating for a whole lifetime. 📽️The Propulsive Power of Life: The Heart 📚 The Miracle of the Blood and Heart

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Ended up in the er with chest pains again. My BP was 147/120 and my resting heart rate was 90-112. They did some tests, gave me nitro and a script for lopressor. I'm home now. Tired but home. still in pain.

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Newer heart pumps help patients even if they are not eligible for heart transplant

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