Sketching 🥰
Vaguely related to mainly wanted to flesh out a country I haven't drawn for before

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9: Exile
Many of the maanen have joined a mysterious group known as the Exiles. Whether it’s a cult or something else entirely remains to be seen, though these maanen often still worship their fallen patron.

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8: Planetouched
The angel Enkhebet fell, and many of her children followed. Granted new magic by elemental darkness, the maanen settled with their patron in the Depths, fallen into obscurity.

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Loving this weird effect I just managed to pull off to add some polish to an older illustration for
Still not fully satisfied with the colors on this one, but this blur is looking good

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3: Song
Long ago, dark elves lived in peace with day elves. Together, they fought against the humans who sought to subjugate them. That was before the fall.

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2: Arcane
The dark elves of Varris were chosen by their patron angel to master the arcane arts previously known only to deities. To this day, wizard-priests hold magical secrets within temples to their angel.

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Bit of an overhaul of the full page illustrations in - looking back at the older ones, I found them a bit stilted and unpolished
Hopefully I've breathed some new light into them, this one is the second oldest thing I drew for the book

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One more illustration finished for 's Chapter 5 ⚡️⚡️⚡️
(page screenshot, cut)

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Working on an illustration for chapter 5 which I've had in sketch form as a placeholder for a while now
Here's a small teaser 🔥
[WIP, cut]

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Working on some face studies of characters from
Wanted to draw two * very elven * faces and see how far apart they could be in terms of features

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Just finished this (small preview below)
And that's the last illustration I needed for Chapter 5's travel encounters, so that whole section of the chapter (5 pages) is done now!

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This format is a true blessing , I hope you don't mind me using it
Essential lore drop of NPCs ig

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Happy to all my trans and non-binary mutuals and followers 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
To celebrate, meet Leta (she/her) from the upcoming

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Hello and thank you, I'm working on a homebrew campaign book for on my own, art included, so I'd really appreciate some visibility
Here's some of the art I made for

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Little preview of the latest illustration for I wanted to draw some more today but I'm already getting tunnel vision so sadly I'll have to sleep soon.
That said, this piece means that the settlement for Ch.4 is finished 🥳

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Some half-dragon NPC sketches from today that won't be making it into the book

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Hi, good luck with your KS!
I'm currently writing a campaign of my own, The book is quite a project but it's coming along.

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Shoutout to this NPC I improvized back in Dragon Heist who ended up making his way into
The cleric thinks she can fix him, the rogue thinks he can bury him in a ditch with the help of the warlock, and everyone screams whenever he shows up for some reason.

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Hi, thank you for the space and good luck with your own project ❤️
I'm fairly new to the TTRPG scene but I'm writing a fairly ambitious 5e campaign for tier 2, hoping to publish it later this year
Have some cool art I made for it

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