Finally, the collab piece between me and . The backer said "draw what you please," so here's Skrymt,
the antagonist of "Consonance," our comic. Orion sketched and lined it, and I did colors!

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Posting the backer commissions I did for 's Orion and I each did three and then collaborated on the fourth. Here's my first: Mob with a cat!

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Happy everyone! It's a good day to reveal our cover artists and show them some love: and have created something truly breathtaking together (and we can't wait to show you in just 16 days). 🌿💛🦌💜🌿

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We can't wait for 's comic about science and family in the cloud forests of Peru!

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2 DAYS (57 HOURS) LEFT to pitch to the all non-binary of sylvan fantasy comics! Our second-to-last (but certainly not least) invited creator is ! LET 'EM KNOW!💜🖤💛#NBnovember

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4 DAYS LEFT to submit to ✨all non-binary✨ Today's invitees are a team! Meet the artist: !

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Hey it's me, your friendly neighborhood queer/bigender Afrocuban cartoonist who also publishes award-winning anthologies. I'm taking submissions for the all-enby through Nov 13th. 🖤💜💛

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Open submissions for begin TOMORROW! Say hi to another pre-selected contributor: !

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