found family 🦮🦌

193 880

Their most powerful love language: listening 🥺

225 578

Couple language: what's yours is mine, including you🥹

407 1406

I mean, Hee got that excited because Jake decorated the cake with the frog hee gave to him? 🥹🥺

259 929

Heejake on their 🏀 dates

(Finally finished them)

1096 3854

the size difference😱😱😑,,

4 8

guys ang cute ng heejake 🥹

134 411

Just like they came from a parallel fantasy universe 🥹

56 180

Hamster Hee saving his sunflower seeds 🥺

101 376

🦌:"Can I be the director next time?"

134 411

Part 2 of my heejake frat boys au 🦮🦌
When will hee realize jake is being serious 🥲

373 1577