This HeeJake for our bday princess, Naza
Happy bday🥳❤️

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'the moon & his sun'

The Moon shines because of the Sun, a man who swore loyalty, for his sword and his own life are owned by the Prince whom he deeply cares for.

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i fear that heejake will exist in every universe they may exist

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// wolf, werewolf, hybrid!jk
// Forest ranger!hs

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decided to repost this bcuz i didnt bother to tag properly last time 🥲 anw i got this idea from my favorite song 我是一隻魚 covered by sunset rollercoaster!
cms by @/krnism_ 💓💓

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mirror pic before leaving

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Wolf Hee is very much in love with his pretty puppy Jake 🥰

commission by tysm for this serotonin boost! 🥺💓💓

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Since they did the Woo to the Young to the Woo thing in lastest EFB 😆

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