Pobre Saori, cheirou acidentalmente um pouco do pó de estrela do Mu e acabou desse jeito. 🥲
Mais uma vítima das substâncias mitológicas.  😔

1 4



15 45

i’m no longer human after this work.

24 101

fleeting kisses 💕

41 183

Fate シリーズ(fate series) スカサハ(Scathach)1329,heirou

1 2

pelo menos essa disputa ai da pra fazer a desculpa q ele quis meter a comparação de 2 anime sobre militar com nome alemão kaksksa
quero saber o q ele cheirou pra comparar HxH com Monogatari kkkkkkkkkk

0 1

shoutout to the ship only me and seven other people care about

426 2280

fondness in hues of red 🌹

26 83

(4/7) real sweet but i wish you were sober

34 143

Would you believe me if I said this took 13 hours 🥲 I instantly shipped it once I saw Gorou's voiceline about Heizou haha but now I also ship Heizou with Kazuha and them with Gorou so I'm in a dilemma here

6 25

Day 4 of drawing Kazuha and Heizou everyday until they come home

A continuation from yesterday's post hehe
Watch your mouth Heizou

Tbh i love KazuGorou and Heirou rivalry

84 441

heizou offers you his heart! do you accept? 💌

9 117