BRO's Helena and My Luca 😎👍

( •̀ ω •́ )✧ siempre nos morimos sin justicia(??)

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If you got lost, leave this pinky girl help you. She maybe not strong, but she can see the road and avoid the bad by her clear mind ( i love her bc the speed of deco, and i dont want to face up hunter, bc i bad at kitting😭)

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<3 I decided to draw K.Dee's Helena design oh my goddness this was so much fun to draw

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Amphibious Girls (redrew old au of mine where Helena and friends are axolotls and mud puppies <3)

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bc I forgor hastags
I am reshowing some Helena Adams work of mine ^^ I am mainly a Minds fanartist but occasionally I'll draw art of other characters. I forget to tag my posts, also I am a Helena Multi shipper (be warned NOW) I have HxS

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