I’ve been having art block lately so I drew Dolly from Hello Dolly because I watched it the other day for the first time and it made me so happy

5 10

Day 3 Protagonist: Dolly from the movie adaptation of Hello Dolly! I love the costuming in the movie.
There was an all black casting of the Broadway musical were Dolly was played by Pearl Bailey back in 1967.

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“Hello, Dolly
Well, hello, Dolly
It's so nice to have you back where you belong...”

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━━━ 8月 SCHEDULE ━━━

11 sun 〈TREASURE05X 2019〉@ 名古屋
📩18 sun @ 宇都宮HELLODOLLY
📩25 sun @ 吉祥寺momo curry ※弾き語り
28 wed @ 下北沢mona record


lucietoo3.com / リプライ / DM

4 11

RIP Carol Channing. Thank you for all the music and laughs.

1 10

POLTA/Lucie,Too/SonoSheet/Linustate/carpool/THE PATSPATS/MAHO

11 9