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12/09 CWT65新刊預購-安撫狂犬的最佳方式 | HEU
#pixiv https://t.co/WAGGzI5is7
Fairy Adam here to make your day brighter. He thinks you're absolutely magical and you need to proud of yourself 💖🧚🏻♂️
(Also, someone please call Nigel. His fairy has wandered off again)
#adamraki #fanart #fairyadam #heu #fairy
Heu everyone!
I'm excited to announce something I've been working on for a while now....
Introducing, my new line of RoeiRiderz NFTs
link to purchase: https://t.co/n83RkVDmEX
🌸 Giveaway 🌸
To celebrate the 10 year #Hanniversary I’m throwing a giveaway to show my love for this amazing community! 🥳 The winner will receive a custom drawing of #Hannigram or #HEU ship! To enter: Please be following & RT, thank you! 🦌🦌💕 Ends April 4th 11:59 pm EST!
heu i'm alive!
WIP! what would bunny Bobby say to spite/seduce Nigel? #hannibal #HEU #roardogs #fannibals #FANNIBALFAMILYFOREVER
Hugh munching his food in that one video changed my life for the better😭 #HughDancy #HEU #LawAndFannibals #Hannibal
My bro saw my wall with all the HEU arts and I'm laughing at him being outraged at my Polygram piece bc they're naked 😂😂😂
I think he saw me drawing it bc he said "They're naked!.. Well if you're the one that drew this it's good but.. look we can see his penis!"
@Psyhodelikus Heu, des illustrations Trans pendues sur un mur au bout d'une corde...
C'est un mod d'extrême droite ?
Thank you so much to @Helena_Hannibal for commissioning this adorable piece! Hanni is such a romantic uwu❤️
@BATSHEBA_ Heu heu je suis trop fan de toi depuis que je suis sur twi ce serait trop un honneur d'etre mutu avec toi 👉🏻👈🏻
💘 🥰👾🆕
Alguna vegada heu sentit que teniu tantes papallones en l'estómac que podríeu eixir volant?🦋🦋🦋
#ElMonstreDelArmari s'ha enamorat!
Llig-ne un fragment ací: https://t.co/380ckKEuy3
#santvalentíenfamília #llibresinfantilsdamor #amor
@BinarydustF fait des crêpes et le regarde amoureusement.
Farahn : tu sais que tu m'aime uwu
...et je.. heu sais que je t'aime '^'
Moi : pourquoi tu dis ça ? ^-^
Farahn : bah parce qu'on s'aime '-'
Voilà.. le p'tit pet de neurones de la soirée x3
"En Ranma és prodigiós! No és només un, sempre en son dos!"
Sí, sí! No feu aquesta cara! Ho heu escoltat bé! Avui 30 de gener comença #RanmaX3 amb @DoblatgeCatala al @SomSX3!
Per alegria d'en @Over_Osu s'emet cada dia a les 22:15 a l'Hora Boomer! https://t.co/lAnblElDCr