Regions of Ancient Greece (to the nearest hex). Maybe I'll do one with the cities and important locations on it... I'll see if there is interest among my patrons.

Commissions available

4 23

Rome 120CE (to the nearest hex, I'm not a historian 😅)

Hand drawn with Copic Multiliners and colour added in photoshop.

I'm available for commissions (for this style ~€75 or €100 with colour)

2 18

Dust is a supplement for Slayers, my monster hunter RPG. Adventures, hexmap, new monsters, and a very cool new class.

If you want more Slayers in your life, Dust is a great place to start.

0 13

The Slayers Almanac has arrived!

Explore 10 unique districts of the ever-expanding City. Each written by an amazing designer from the indie RPG space.

Rumors, hexmaps, factions, NPCs, all with absolutely incredible art!

47 154

Typically in LIGHT, a session involves doing a specific mission. In Patrol Zones, you all explore a hexmap environment, going in whichever direction you want.

Mini-missions, random events, and locations pepper the map for you to discover.

0 12

Come enjoy this weirdly wonderful story wrap-up for a chance to win: Heart: The City Beneath corebook, Heart hexmaps and stickers, Sanctum, Doors to Elsewhere, Burned and Broken, and Vermissian Black Ops

The has everything you need to delve into the Heart yourself!

2 8

New region finished, a place full of sliding rocks and flying goats. Only one more to go!

10 52

Now Available! Hexpedition: Jaws of the King

A supplement with a focus on exploration. Compatible with or any This is a hexmap with over 100 island adventure seeds, roll tables, GM advice and more.

13 22