"My buby new born!"
Ehi if you want you can find me also on Instagram as: httyd_tales😘Bye have a great day!

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Astrid:"We can go to our new home now!I'm so happy aren't you?"

Hiccup:"Yes sure..but first.."
*put the crown down*

Astrid:"Ehi Hic,I can't see in this way!"

Ig: httyd_tales

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Hiccup:"I'm so happy milady and you are always so beautiful.I hope nobody will ruin our day"

Astrid:"What a gentleman,I'm lucky to have married you!"


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Hic:"Finally at home milady!I was tired of not having you by my side!"

Astrid:"I missed you too boy!"❤

Find me also on IG: httyd_tales

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