You don't have to be high, to love the HighBunch.💚❤️🧡
Minting is live

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An OG have a beanie, Some are OG.💚

Marijuana is a gateway drug, it will lead to the drug orange beanie, Here's how to make a hat out of an orange peel.🍊👲

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The whole world is changed, robots are growing weed now.

PS: They might be also cooking erc20 brownies or Gummy bears. Tune in!

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are some of the coolest Avatars you'll ever meet.💚 I see one day that they blow up twitter's profiles pics.

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is a collection of 110+ Traits in vibrant colors. Later available in SVG. 💚
✨Stoners are cute!

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Stop referring us as weed smokers, call us your Highness.👑 💚

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Speaker On🔊🎶
Now everybody on repeat after me : We are number one !😎


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Love goes unappreciated a lot of times, But you still gotta keep giving it.💚

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Don't gain the world and lose your soul,
Wisdom is better than Silver and gold.

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You've got to always go back in time, if you want to move forward.

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