Dameon Willich. Hipparion. Creature Horse. From Magic The Gathering: Ice Age. An uncommon card.

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To reconstruct the sabretooth Lokotunjailurus I started by sketching the fossils at the National Museums of Kenya in Nairobi. Then I combined sketches and photos to draw the articulated neck and skull. Finally I painted the animal killing a hapless Hipparion.

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For the first time in a while, I listened to ’s Paleostream last night. It was a horse stream, so I doodled some hipparionine - three-toed - horses.

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Results from the horse
Eohippus, Proboscidipparion, Neohipparion and Mesohippus.

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Got a wonderful custom uni from
Shes a hipparion inspired unicorn with an obsidian horn

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I've made a discovery
My sona Kas is actually a hipparion completely by accident lol
No seriously she was based off a przawalski horse but this extinct boi is like actually her so I'm gonna say shes mixed between the 2
Am I officially in the extinction squad now lol

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