Hawkmon has always been a top favorite of mine since 02.
Mine partner would be Hawkmon to Aquilamom to Hippogriffomon to Gryphomon

0 3

Imagine that Kimeramon is the amalgamation of GeoGreymon, Kabuterimon, Garurumon, Devimon, Kuwagamon, SkullGreymon, Monochromon, Hippogriffomon and Airdramon.

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Digimon x Lotta Svard: Women of War crossover

(Lahja) , Sistermon Blanc, Sistermon Ciel, Darcmon, Hippogriffomon, and Murmukusmon.

16 45

(Hippogriff: a mythical horse/eagle hybrid)
Mythical Beast
Heat Wave
Sonic Voice

1 12

Happy birthday to Midorikawa Hikaru, the voice of Angemon in Digimon Frontier, Hippogriffomon in
Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!, Splashmon in Digimon Xros Wars, and Wu Hai in Digimon New Century! 🎂🎉

21 118

(Hippogriff: a mythical horse/eagle hybrid)
Mythical Beast
Heat Wave
Sonic Voice

5 18

(Hippogriff: a mythical horse/eagle hybrid)
Mythical Beast
Heat Wave
Sonic Voice

4 18

Yakushiji Suzaku and Buraimon


0 3

Happy birthday to Midorikawa Hikaru, the voice of Angemon in Hippogriffomon in
Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!, and Splashmon in


33 127

Moosemon is kinda deified, and it has great skills, so I think it works great as a Perfect level, the blades on it's back kinda reminds me with it's color scheme of the ones Gururumon has.

Harpymon is a wonderful Adult, it works great with Hippogriffomon, Shutumon and Silphymon.

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Was doodling until ended up sketching up a HippoGryphomon

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Chou Shika!

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So, Zhuqiaomon evolved from Hippogriffomon that evolved from Akatorimon that evolved from Muchomon. Qinglongmon evolved from Triceramon that evolved from Tuskmon who evolved from Elecmon (Violet).

5 32

Happy birthday to Midorikawa Hikaru, the voice of Angemon in Hippogriffomon in
Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!, and Splashmon in


18 69

Gravimon Darkness Mode: + Centalmon + Sagittarimon + Cerberumon + Crossmon + Thundebirmon + Hippogriffomon

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