Hello, I’m Hireek! I’m a Demi-Primordial and created my own realm in Pandemonium to escape an eternal conflict between my two families : D

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Hiya, im Hireek! I’m a Demi-Primordial and I live in my own realm called X’veria that lies inside pandemonium. I created it to escape an eternal war between two sides of my family!

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Hiiiii! I’m Hireek! I stream Valorant and Final Fantasy 14 : D

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I guess a Demi-primordial ranges within the deity category,hello my names Hireek!!! : D

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Hello, I’m Hireek! I’m a demi-primordial who took up streaming and plays a variety of games for other people to enjoy : D

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Heyo, I’m Hireek! I’m new to the Vtuber community, and I just finished my debut stream the other day!

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Hiya, I’m Hireek, nice to meet you!

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Heyo, I’m Hireek! I’m a Demi-Primordial and live in my own realm in Pandemonium to escape a Great War between my two families!

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Heyo, I’m Hireek! I’m a Demi-primordial living in his own realm in Pandemonium to escape the Great War between his two families!

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I love png drops; hello I’m Hireek! An absolute pleasure to meet you!

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Omg this is so cool! Hi, I’m Hireek! A Demi-Primordial who rules in his own realm in pandemonium to escape an eternal war between his two families!

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Ayo? is trending rn? Well hi, my names Hireek, im a semi-new vtuber who plans to start streaming again very soon (like beginning/mid July)!!! I love playing Final Fantasy XIV and Valorant so if you also like those games HMU 👀 also here's my model uwu

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Hello, im Hireek! I’m a Demi-primordial who rules in his own realm in Pandemonium to escape a never ending conflict between the light and void primordials!

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Hi I’m Hireek! I’m a Demi-primordial who rules in his own realm to escape a never ending conflict between the light and void primordials! 😊

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Hi, I’m Hireek! I’m 7’1 in my lore, but irl I am 6’1, so a whole foot taller than me : D

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Hello, I’m Hireek! I’m a Demi-Primordial who rules over his own realm in pandemonium to escape an eternal conflict between the light and void forces!

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Hi, I’m Hireek, an Au’ra dragon! I’m next in line for the Taldova royal throne, and am a Warrior of Light for Hydaelyn! May all of you ever walk within the light of the crystal ☺️

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(Art done by nekogf, no Twitter but her twitch is https://t.co/ESMA9VuAQy )

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5/31 - Ran'ghi

Skullsplitter hexxer Ran'ghi and her giant spawn of Hir'eek, Loa of Bats.

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