is here. Now is the time to discover the story of how a shy young naval officer once returned home, only to be drawn into a thrilling vortex of superstition and sexuality.
To find out more visit the Moon Dancers website:

2 1

The roar of surf pounding on the shore greeted them as they reached the crest. Beneath them a beach stretched away, empty of life. Beyond the waves a dark ship with backed topsails rode on the moonlit sea.

Book 6 in the series – coming soon

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"The last few guns rumbled into place and there was a moment of peace. Two beautiful ships, beneath the stars. Then the night vanished, as the French ship fired once more"

The Turn of the Tide – Book 6 in the Alexander Clay series – coming soon

5 33

He held up a thruppenny and the boy’s eyes widen with delight.
‘What you after, mister?’ he asked. ‘I can show you the best bawdy house this side of the Tamar. My sister works there.’

The Turn of the Tide – Book 6 in the series – coming soon

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The French ship came surging around, turning up into the wind and losing all her way, but bringing every canon to bear.
‘For what we are about to receive...’ muttered a marine stood nearby.

The Turn of the Tide – Book 6 in the series – coming soon

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